Automation Mojo

Reliable, Scalable and Maintainable Automation

We build some of the worlds most flexible and scalable distributed automation tooling.

Our tools can integrate into some of the most complex software test environments in existance. Environments that engage in Data Storage System testing and Clustered Embedded Device testing. This is because we compiled over 10 years of distributed automation experience into an over 4 years of work into a set of tools that can establish a really stable foundation for your organizations code to sit on.

Our tools provide credential management, configuration, runtime and topology management. Our tools also provide resource management and deconfliction.

Our tools can change as your needs change because our code base is easy to extend or customize to meet the needs of your organization.

Our tools help you to setup highly scalable automation patterns that can be used to build out the capability to automation across a wide range of automation configurations.
The lower layers of a robust and flexible automation stack are difficult to build out. The quality of the lower layers of the software stack will have major impacts on the workflows and quality of the data or results that automation provides. To build out a test framework that would compare to what we offer will take your organization about 2-3 years of trial and error if you hire someone to do the work. You may have to pay 1-2 engineers about $150,000 to $250,000 a year and you may or may not get the results you want on the first attempt.

If you don't get the results you want or run into problems then you will have to do a rewrite which is even harder and will be disruptive to ongoing product work.

Our tools help to jump start your project by starting to deliver results within 1-2 months with assurances that your software testing stack can grow with the demands your company places on it.

For about half the cost of paying 1 engineer, your project can be jumpstarted and delivering results within 1-2 months. You'll have the assurance that the foundation code your project is based on is being kept up-to-date for about half the cost of an engineers salary. On a complex project, we will literally save you millions of dollars over the life of the project and you'll be able to get results faster.
We meet to discuss the size and scale of your project. We look at your project and try to determine your future needs. If we determine that your project merits us spending the limited resources we have (time), then we will work with you to negotiate a scope of work and the cost to you. If we agree on the scope of work and cost. Then we help you get your project started and help you get a flexible and scalable code repository started. We train your test engineers how to use the code and how to add tests and we provide you with documentation that your engineers can use to work with the code. We provide ongoing maintenance and bug fix support for the code we provided.